Horror Festival
of Wales

14 – 17 November 2024


Here at Abertoir we are constantly striving to put on a festival which is accessible and inclusive. On this page you’ll find extensive information you might find useful about the accessibility of our venue, auditoria, facilities and other relevant information.

If there’s anything you’d like to know about the festival or the venue that we haven’t provided here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’ll do our best to answer your query and update this page accordingly. You can get in touch by emailing Nia on, or via our social media pages.

There is also extensive information about the cinemathe Arts Centre and the broader Aberystwyth University campus on the AccessAble website; including images. The Arts Centre also has its own visitor guide to the building, with extensive images.

General venue accessibility

Abertoir takes place at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, primarily in the cinema. Sometimes we have events take place in other parts of the building, such as the bar or the theatre. We also host some events off-site, for which we will provide accessibility information.

The cinema is located on the main level of the building, as is the box office, café and the main building entrance. Access to the upper floor (where you’ll find the bar, theatre foyer, and theatre) is by stairs or by lift.

There is a large car park close to the Arts Centre. There are spaces reserved for blue-badge holders nearest the main entrance, and two additional parking spaces at the rear of the building. Visitors can also be dropped off directly at the main entrance if required.

There is an accessible toilet on the main floor and the upper floor.

There is a gender neutral toilet on the upper floor.

Guide dogs and assistance dogs are very welcome in the building and auditoria.

The Arts Centre has its own café. If you have any particular dietary requirements you’d like for us to talk to the café about, please let us know and we will pass on any information to them.

If you require the use of a space for prayer, or other devotion, the Aberystwyth University Faith Space is located very near the Arts Centre. Please get in touch and we can help arrange access to this space.

The cinema

There are 8 rows of seats in the cinema. There is an armrest and cupholder between each seat and at the end of each row.

Seat sizes are 560mm wide for most, except the following seats, which are 535mm wide: A1-2 & 9, C1-3 & 13-15, D1-5 & 13-17, F1 & 17, G1-2 & 14-15, and all of row H (back row). The armrests between seats H3-4 and H7-8 can be moved, creating a larger seating area, if these have not been removed to accommodate wheelchair users.

Row H, the back row, can accommodate up to four wheelchairs, positioned either at the ends of the row, or seats can be removed to make space in the middle of the row.

Additionally, the end of row arms on either side of row H can be opened to allow for easier access to anyone transferring from a wheelchair or other mobility aid.

The cinema has a hearing loop installed for those who use hearing aids, or who wish to use headsets provided by us.

Although festival passes and tickets do not specify allocated seating, any seating requirements for accessibility and purposes of comfort can be requested upon booking, and if not requested at the time of booking will, where possible, be accommodated for on the day of the event. We don’t ask for any medical evidence.


If you need to attend the festival with a carer or companion, please get in touch with us or the box office to talk about a carer’s pass or ticket.

Aberystwyth Arts Centre operates the Hynt scheme for those who are members. Hynt is a Wales-based organisation, more information can be found on Hynt.

Film presentation

The cinema has a hearing loop installed for those who use hearing aids, or who wish to use headsets provided by us. We are also able to offer audio description, via headset, on any films supplied to us with audio description included, this depends on our programme.

We do not currently offer descriptive captions (also known as hard of hearing captions) on our in-person screenings unless otherwise stated. Our virtual/online festival programmes are entirely captioned.

Screenings are presented with the house lights completely off and with standard or slightly louder than average volume.

We compose an extensive content guide for the festival programme each year which will be made available on the website and hard copies available at the event itself.


The Abertoir Local’s Guide

We’ve whipped up some information about the nearby shops and amenities in our “Abertoir Local’s Guide”!

How to get here

Aberystwyth Arts Centre is an approximately 20 minute walk uphill from the town centre. Regular busses run between the main bus station and the Arts Centre, though service is limited at the weekend. 


We offer an on campus accommodation option, while there are plenty of other options available to suit in town.

If you require the regular use of taxis to and from your accommodation please speak to festival staff, who can help arrange this for you.

If you have any other questions, comments, concerns or enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can email Nia on at any time.