Short films competition 2016
Over a number of months earlier in the year, Abertoir has been receiving short films for our competition. The response was phenomenal, we had entries from all over the world but sadly there just wasn't enough room to show all of the excellent entries. The final selection will be screened during the festival and we're sure you will agree that the quality of the work has never been better!
There will be two prizes on offer. The first being the Abertoir prize, and the second is the Melies D'Argent (only for European films).
As part of Abertor's role in the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation, our short films competition will award a Short Film Méliès d'Argent. This is an internationally recognised prize specific to the European Federation and is a testimony to the talented filmmakers in Europe. The winner of our Short Film Méliès d'Argent will go forward to the final lineup at one of the major European festivals for the prestigious Méliès d'Or Award for the Best European Fantastic Short Film. All our European short films are eligible.