Tales of H. P. Lovecraft

performed by The Duke St Workshop & Laurence Harvey

  • Venue Cinema
  • Running time 60 mins

The recent swelling of horror soundtrack releases in recent years has largely focused on – whilst still often the cult - the contemporary variety. Releases that contain a strong enough whiff of nostalgia to transform people back into late night cinema screenings and dubiously acquired video nasties of their childhood. However, Tales Of H.P. Lovecraft , the utterly unique LP by the Lancashire-based The Duke St Workshop and featured guest, British horror actor  Laurence R Harvey (Human Centipede II & III/The Editor), looks further back, to explore and unearth the foundations that were laid for a great deal of contemporary horror.

The album consists of two Lovecraft stories, ‘From Beyond’ and ‘The Hound’ and are told over sixteen tracks, tracks which weave between meditative piano tinkles, to sputtering howls of eerie electronica, laying out a sonic narrative as rich in emotion, tension and fear as the vocal one that lay atop of it. For this live presentation, the LP serves as a foundation to extend and explore the material to deliver a direct and dynamic experience.