The Endless

  • Director Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead
  • Cast

    Justin Benson

    Aaron Moorhead

    Callie Hernandez

    Tate Ellington

    Lew Temple

  • Country USA
  • Language English
  • Running time 111 mins
  • Year 2017
  • Age rating 15

Two brothers return to the cult they fled from years ago to discover that the group's strange beliefs may be more sane than they once thought. As confronting their past threatens to completely destabilise their present, the brothers’ strained relationship is put to the test.

Rising genre stars Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead return with their third feature, which has already earned them further acclaim on the festival circuit. Retaining the low-key, character-driven sensibility of their previous two films, this time Benson and Moorhead star in front of the camera as well as behind it, and bring the central relationship to life with real verve. As much a moving drama as it is a genre piece, The Endless is sure to leave an impression. 
