In the early 90s, a little known Japanese Samurai/detective series hit Australia where it quickly became a cult hit. In Japan it was called 'Ronin Suiri Tentai' (Deductive Reasoning Ronin) but in Australia it's only known as 'Top Knot Detective'. This mockumentary tells the story of director Takashi Tawagoto, who couldn't act, fight or write a TV show, but through selling out, he had the money to make himself into a star - or so he thought.
Created by Aaron McCann and Dominic Pearce as a throw-back to the films and TV shows that were broadcasted on Australian TV in the 90s, Top Knot Detective is a wholly convincing mockumentary about fame and misfortune.
Danger 5 creator, Abertoir alumni and master of Australia Dario Russo also makes a welcome appearance back on our screen as he not only stars in it, he also worked on the script and provides the music! Make sure you stay right to the end of the credits for a very appropriate closing gag: we didn’t think there was any better way to close this year’s Abertoir than this deliriously entertaining film.