Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D


We love a bit of fun here at Abertoir, and we racked our heads to come up with a great way to host another offsite screening. We looked at lakes in the middle of forests, we thought about boats, we thought about all night-camping! Then we had a brainwave - one of the most entertaining Friday the 13th instalments is Part 3, a brilliantly exploitative rollercoaster ride of old-school 3D silliness that’s particularly important for being the first film in which Jason Vorhees dons his iconic hockey mask.

So where to show this? Believe it or not, we’ve found a campsite…and believe it or not…we’ve also found a barn! Those of you who’ve seen the film will know the importance of this, and we’re convinced you’ll all have a brilliant time as you join us on an excursion to the real Camp Abertoir! And don't worry - we’ll provide the traditional red/blue glasses!