
  • Director Daniel Goldhaber
  • Cast

    Madeline Brewer

    Melora Walters

    Imani Hakim

  • Country USA
  • Language English
  • Running time 94
  • Year 2018
  • Age rating 15

Alice (Madeline Brewer), an ambitious camgirl, wakes up one day to discover she’s been replaced on her show with an exact replica of herself. As this copy begins to push the boundaries of Alice's online identity, the control that Alice has over her life vanishes. While she struggles to regain what she's lost, she slowly finds herself drawn back to her show and to the mysterious person who has taken her place.

Cam is a film remarkable debut which offers a startling consideration of our relationship to a virtual world through the lens of a sex worker. The film offers a refreshing account of sex work thanks to writer Isa Mazzei’s own experiences in the industry and Daniel Goldhaber’s impressively empowering direction. Madeline Brewer gives a towering performance as both Alice, her online persona Lola and her doppelganger, and you can also catch The Love Witch herself Samantha Robinson as another camgirl.