Blue My Mind

  • Director Lisa Brühlmann
  • Cast

    Luna Wedler

    Zoe Pastelle

  • Country Switzerland
  • Language German (English subtitles)
  • Running time 97
  • Year 2017
  • Age rating 15

15-year-old Mia, and the parents she’s long felt distant from, move to the suburbs of Zürich. While Mia plunges into a wild teenager's existence in an attempt to cope with this estrangement, her body begins to change. First, hardly noticeable, but then with a force that threatens to drive her out of her mind. In her despair she attempts to numb herself with sex and drugs, hoping to halt that which is overwhelming her. But nature is more powerful.

Blue My Mind is a coming of age monster movie that tackles myriad concerns of modern teenagers: body image, mental health, sexuality, acceptance and, maybe just in Mia’s case, eating the family goldfish. Its slow and deliberate unravelling and revelation of Mia’s condition leads to a quietly devastating ending thanks to its brilliant characterisation – bitchy teenage girls have never been this sympathetic.