Don’t Say Its Name

UK PREMIERE + Q&A with Rueben Martell

  • Director Rueben Martell
  • Country Canada
  • Language English
  • Running time 84 minutes
  • Year 2021

Shortly after Kharis Redwater, a Native, anti-mining activist is killed in a mysterious hit and run, horrific, seemingly random murders start occurring in the snowfields of Kharis’ isolated reserve. As a local tribal police officer and her colleague tries to connect the dots and find the connection, they confront a world of ancient Native myths now very much alive in their small, insulated world.

Made by and telling the tales of Canada’s indigenous people, this is a classic, supernatural mystery film with a definite X-Files vibe.

We're delighted that film's director, Reuben Martell, will take part in a live online Q&A after the scheduled screening.

Want to learn more about Indigenous horror? Check out Haunting the National Consciousness: The Rise of Indigenous Horror, a presentation by Dr. Kali Simmons, as presented at this year's Fantasia Festival.