
  • Director Nyla Innuksuk
  • Cast

    Tasiana Shirley

    Alexis Vincent-Wolfe

    Nalajoss Ellsworth

    Chelsea Prusky

  • Country Canada
  • Language English and Inuktitut, with English subtitles
  • Running time 86 minutes
  • Year 2022

Pangnirtung, Nunavut: A sleepy hamlet, nestled in the majestic mountains of Baffin Island in the Arctic Ocean, wakes up to a typical summer day. No school, no cool boys (well...except one), and 24-hour sunlight. But for Maika and her ragtag friends, the usual summer is suddenly not in the cards when they discover an alien invasion threatening their hometown. These teenagers have been underestimated their whole lives but soon show the aliens you don't fuck with the girls from Pang.

Showcasing a truly incredible part of the world barely seen on screen, Slash/Back is a film as charming as they come – the energy and verve of its young leads will have you leaving the cinema wanting to hunt down some shape-shifting aliens too!